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Writer's pictureTanishaMcKinney

Birth Story Part Two

I spent the evening with my parents and loving on my Libby girl. I drank some tea and used some essential oils both that were supposed to help encourage labor to occur naturally. I prayed and I felt mentally prepared.

Mom and I arrived at the hospital at 10 P.M. and by 10:30 P.M., we were settled into my delivery room. By 11:30 P.M. the nurse came in to place the Cytotec pill. It’s is drug that's used as a ripening agent for the cervix. They monitored my blood pressure, contractions, and baby girl’s heart rate for the next 2 hours. Then they unhooked the monitors, gave me some medicine to help me sleep, and told me to get some rest because my baby girl would be arriving the next day. I was shocked, but I was actually able to sleep well.

The next morning the nurses came in around 7 A.M. to check my progress from the Cyotec pill. I was fully effaced, very soft, and dilated to a 2. They were impressed with this progress, so much that they canceled my breakfast tray. I really wasn’t happy about this.

The nurses let me get up and walk around the floor for an hour. Around 9:40 A.M., they started my Pitocin at a level of 2. They said they’d increase it by 2 every hour as long as baby and I could tolerate it. I tried to labor on the birthing ball, but baby Akiah wasn’t a fan. They couldn’t keep an eye on her heart rate, so I opted for sitting up in bed.

At 11:15 A.M., they checked me I was dilated to a 4. The nurses assured me that I was making good progress and said my doctor would be up at lunch to break my water. I was doing well, but starving. My sweet nurse got me a blue jello and cherry flavored ice. It was the must delicious lunch, I say that with no sarcasm, it truly hit the spot.

My doctor arrived at noon, she said I was dilated to a full 5. She broke my water and told me to expect my contractions to become closer and stronger with in the next 30 to 45 minutes.

Akiah was still moving around a lot and they couldn’t monitor her heart rate properly. This was extra important because she wasn’t loving the Pitocin. My doctor placed an internal fetal monitor. I wasn’t a fan of them placing an electrode onto her scalp through my cervix, but after talking it out I understood the need for it. My doctor encouraged me to reconsider the epidural. She explained it’d help my high blood pressure and she was concerned I’d wait too long then want it. I stuck to my birth plan and declined the epidural.

Within 35 minutes, I could definitely tell a difference in my contractions. I had to get out of that bed. My nurse helped me out of bed and showed me a standing position that I found to be comfortable. My momma massaged my back with essential oils and rubbed it with a hot water bottle. I leaned onto the monitor stand with my forehead through contractions.

Some time later, I went to the bathroom and could not make it back to my bed. I cried out for my mom’s help. My contractions had intensified more and I was shaking. My body was burning up to the touch, but I was freezing and shaking. I couldn’t stop shaking. I was convinced I might have my baby right there in the bathroom, because I could not move another step. Now leaning in the bathroom, breathing through contractions was tougher while shaking. My mom was by my side rubbing my back with that now lukewarm water bottle. With each break in a contraction, we moved and finally made it back into bed.

My eyes began to water, I couldn’t focus through the contractions anymore. I was terrified of the thought of an epidural. I looked to my mom for reassurance. I listened to my body and paged my nurse. Cue phase 2 of not part of my birthing plan, this phase brought on the anxiety. I could feel my mind telling me to panic...

Akiah’s Birth Story Part 3 (final part) coming soon....

"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:6-7

With Love,


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