If you follow me on social media, you already know my sweet babe is a….GIRL! If you watched the video of the reveal, you know my pure excitement and joy. All the anticipation of waiting to find out the gender and my heart wanted to explode when those pink balloons came out. Honestly, I will never forget that moment. The moment I found out my lifelong dream of being a girl momma was going to come true. God knew my heart needed her.
I think almost immediately people began asking me if I had a name picked out. I wasn’t going to share with anyone, until I could write about it. But the excitement got the best of me and I have shared with a few people. I wanted to announce my little girls name to the world with a story of how it came about….
My “husband” and I had been trying for a baby for around 4 or 5 months prior to him walking out. When he left I remember saying, “What if I am pregnant?” He shrugged his shoulders. I think deep down, in that exact moment I knew, he wasn’t coming back home. But, I still didn’t give up. I fight for our marriage through prayer, tears, diving into the word, reaching out to others for support/advice, asking him to go to counseling, etc. I can say with 100% confidence that I tried everything.
Here I was feeling broken, scared of being alone, and also knowing I really needed to take a pregnancy test. But my goodness, the timing….So I chalked all my symptoms up to anxiety from my life unraveling. (Hang with me, I promise I am getting to her name 😉)
Only days after he left, I was reading a devotional. It was a devotional about navigating heartbreak, divorce, and remaining faithful to your Christian roots. On this specific day, a woman was sharing her story of her failing marriage. Her husband wanted out, but in her eyes divorce wasn’t an option. She begged for counseling, she prayed, she fasted, but nevertheless he left. The poor wife couldn’t understand, they had raised two beautiful children, and she was blindsided. The next day her doctor called and to her surprise she was pregnant. In her devotional, she talked about getting off the phone and crying. The timing wasn’t right, she couldn’t do this alone, and she didn’t want to. She began to sob and pray, she asked God to give her the GRACE to do this one more time. She instantly felt God speak to her. He said, “Grace is what you will have.” The woman knew instantly that she was having a little girl and her name would be Grace. It was her, Grace, and God against the world.
I remember laying in bed crying as I read that devotional, I knew it was God speaking directly to me. I knew it was his way of telling me I was pregnant and it was going to be fine, because he was holding me just as he was holding the woman in the devotional.
I took the test a day, maybe two days, later. Sure enough I got those 2 pink lines, those little miracle lines. I felt nothing but pure joy. I knew then, if I had a little girl her middle name would be Grace.
Now for her first name, no big story behind it; but its still special to me. I always wanted a unique name, so I was on the hunt for something that would flow beautifully with Grace. That’s when I came across Akiah, which means optimistic, peacemaker, and cheerful. WOW! How perfect? That is exactly what my sweet babe has been for me since day one. Having this life growing inside of me has kept me optimistic, it’s given me peace, and of course I have been cheerful.
So world get ready because Miss Akiah Grace is coming March 2021.
“In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.” - Ephesians 1:7
“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28
With Love,
Dear God,
Today I thank you that even when life tries to break us, you hold us together. That in every storm, you have a blessing. Lord thank you for my saving Grace. Thank you for blessing me with sweet Akiah Grace who I already love. I know you already know her while she is in my womb. I believe she will be strong. I believe she will be fearfully and wonderfully made. Thank you for placing a tribe of people to stand beside me and for me in this journey. Lord You are a good good father. God, I pray protection over myself and Akiah throughout the remainder of this pregnancy. I praise your holy name for all you have done and will do.